Hello, this is pastor gary from first baptist church of laplata. Baptists don’t have much theological common ground with Roman Catholics, but we do agree on social issues such as life and marriage. The Roman Catholic Church is staunchly pro-life, and the Vatican has just issued a ruling that refuses to bless homosexual unions; in fact, the official statement from the Vatican says, God “ does not and cannot bless sin.” We could not agree more. It is refreshing to see Christian organizations taking a stand for the truth when so many are compromising the truth. Pontius Pilate famously asked Jesus, “What is truth?” in John 18:38. Thankfully, we know the answer to Pilate’s question because Jesus gave it to us. Jesus claimed to be the truth in John 14:6, and He claimed that God’s Word is truth in John 17:17. Since Jesus is the truth, and He upheld and honored traditional marriage, and God’s Word condemns homosexuality as a sin in both the Old and New Testaments, what else can we conclude but that we completely agree with the Vatican on this issue? Can homosexuals attend our church? Can homosexuals become saved? Of course they can! Church is a hospital for the spiritually sick, and homosexuals need the same spiritual healing as everyone else does. Regardless of the sin, every person must repent of his sin, recognize Jesus Christ as his Savior, and receive complete and eternal healing.

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