Hello, this is pastor gary from first baptist church of laplata. Today’s “Familiar Friday” is from Tuesday, September 15, 2020. We know that lying is wrong. Not only does lying violate one of the Ten Commandments, number 9: “thou shalt not bear false witness,” but we were all taught by parents, guardians, and teachers not to lie. George Washington was famously known for his inability to tell a lie. While historians believe the story about the cherry tree was political—not actual, it illustrates what has always been needed in life and politics: the truth. I am reminded of the joke about the boy who pushed over the family outhouse as a prank. The boy’s father later confronted him about the outhouse. The boy told the truth and reminded his father that George Washington was not punished when he told the truth. The father said, that may be so, but George Washington’s father wasn’t in the cherry tree when he cut it down. Lying is not only wrong, but it is difficult because lying is progressive. The first lie may come out easily but more lies are needed to cover the initial lie: pretty soon there is a whole web of deceit to keep track of. I recently read that “the ripple of today’s lie, becomes tomorrow’s wave, and next year’s flood.” Instead of lying, just tell the truth; and if you can’t tell the truth, don’t tell anything. Honesty is not only the best policy, it is required of Christians and desperately needed in our world.
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