Hello, this is pastor gary from first baptist church of laplata. Nobody likes to pay taxes; however, as responsible citizens of our great land, we must do so. Both Jesus and Paul advocated for paying taxes, so we Christians have no way out of getting out of it. I was a member of the TEA party years ago, and TEA stood for “Taxed Enough Already.” I am sure that the citizens of Fairfax, VA, are feeling they are taxed enough already when they learned yesterday that their property taxes are going up based on increased assessments. To prove that increasing taxes is evil, Fairfax is reporting that the average amount that property owners will pay has increased by $666.00—666 is the number of the Beast of Revelation 13:18! I think my favorite tax story from the Bible is when Jesus and Peter need to pay their temple tax, so Jesus tells Peter to go fishing. Matthew 17:27 puts it like this, “…go thou to the sea and cast an hook and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take and give unto them for Me and thee.” Peter does go fishing and catches more than just a fish, for within the fish’s mouth is the coin that Jesus said would be there. Come to think of it, tax day, April 15th, isn’t that far away—I think I need to start going fishing!
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