Hello, this is pastor gary from first baptist church of laplata. On this date in history, Handel’s “Messiah” debuted in Dublin, Ireland, in 1742, 280 years ago. “Messiah” is often performed at Christmastime, but was actually written for Easter. The inspiration for “Messiah” came from Charles Jennens who wrote a concise distillation of Christian doctrine then handed it off to his friend, George Frideric Handel to compose an oratorio to be performed during holy week in a secular setting—not a church. “Messiah” was first performed during holy week in a secular, Irish theater. Perhaps the most famous selection from “Messiah” is the final piece, “The Hallelujah Chorus.” So moved was King George II of England when he first heard “The Hallelujah Chorus” at its London debut, he stood to his feet; ever since then, audiences have stood during “The Hallelujah Chorus.” Though Handel wrote his entire masterpiece in only 24 days, it has stood the test of time and is now the most famous, sacred English musical composition in history. Beethoven had this to say of Handel, “He is the greatest composer that ever lived”; Mozart declared himself humbled “in the face of Handel’s genius”– impressive endorsements indeed! All of the great classical masters wrote their music to the glory of God; Johannes Sebastian Bach had this to say about music, “The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God.” “Messiah” is divided into three parts: the prophecy and birth of Christ, the crucifixion of Christ, and the resurrection of Christ. Worldwide, Christians will be celebrating the resurrection of Christ this Sunday. Come celebrate with us!
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