Hello, this is pastor gary from first baptist church of laplata. I like Cheetos, the cheesy, crunchy snack. Cheese puffs and cheese balls are OK, but I like Cheetos better. Did you know that Cheetos are illegal in Germany? No, not because those who eat them leave orange fingerprints on everything they touch. Cheetos are illegal because they contain a trace element of a carcinogen. Cheetos are also illegal because a European company owns the rights to a snack called Chitos that sounds the same but is spelled C-H-I-T-O-S. Can you imagine being in your car and getting pulled over by the police and the officer notices orange residue on your steering wheel? Instead of asking you, “Sir, have you been drinking tonight?” he asks, “Sir, Have you been eating Cheetos tonight?” Of course the conversation would be in German, so the words would be much longer and would sound very mean. As you are arrested and processed at the police station, they would not have to use any ink—the cheese residue on your fingertips would be plenty to get your fingerprints as well as providing conclusive evidence that you are guilty of eating Cheetos in the first degree and consuming a dangerous snack while driving! Even so, Cheetos are very popular in Germany that is only available on the black market. Yes, there is a black market for Cheetos in Germany! This just proves the Bible is right when it says in Romans 3:23 that all people are sinners. According to Romans 13:1-5, breaking the law—even a silly one–is a sin. Those who distribute Cheetos on the black market are sinners, and those who eat them in Germany are sinners. Sinners need a Savior, and Jesus is the only Savior. Jesus died to pay for the sins of all who believe—even Cheetos-eaters in Germany!
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