Hello, this is pastor gary from first baptist church of laplata. For those who still believe that Planned Parenthood just wants to provide women’s healthcare following their motto, “Care, no matter what,” take a look at their new ice cream truck that promotes abortion with the slogan, ‘Ice cream, you scream: “Abortion rights for all.”’ Planned Parenthood has the audacity to put on their truck, “Ice cream as cold as Texas politicians.” Texan politicians want to preserve the lives of unborn babies, and that is cold-hearted? Supporting the violent murder of unborn babies requires having the very coldest of hearts. Taking something as innocent and wholesome as an ice cream truck and turning it into a platform for murder is beyond perverse. For these people, convenience is their god, and abortion is their sacrament. They worship their god by sacrificing children to it. While the Planned Parenthood truck does distribute free ice cream, that’s not what they are really peddling; they are strangely and inexplicably peddling infanticide. We used to own and operate an ice cream truck back in Pennsylvania; the strangest thing we ever peddled was doggie ice cream that Debbie made by putting a scoop of vanilla ice cream between two Milk Bone dog biscuits. Every person, born or unborn, is made in the image of God; that is why human life must be protected at all stages and at all costs.
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