Hello, this is pastor gary from first baptist church of laplata. Sometimes it’s just embarrassing to be a citizen of Baltimore. Not only is Baltimore one of the most violent cities in America, but the poverty rate in the city is over 20%. So how did the single-party Baltimore City Council attempt to improve their city on Monday? By voting unanimously to make Baltimore a sanctuary city for abortion, which means Baltimore will become even more violent snuffing out the lives of her most innocent citizens. The vote authorizes a fund to assist women who choose to abort their children; sadly, there is no funding for women who choose to keep their children. One day, these foolish, blood-thirsty politicians will stand before the God in Whom they obviously don’t believe to give an account of their murderous views and votes. God’s eternal law states in Exodus 20:13, “Thou shalt not kill.” This law applies to all humans regardless of their stage in development or stage in life; this is why life must be protected at all stages and at all costs. Every one of the mothers, protesters, doctors, politicians, judges, and lawyers will give an account to God for each of the murders that they have either committed or facilitated.
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