Hello, this is pastor gary from first baptist church of laplata. A recent study revealed that Americans lie about four times each day: some lie more, and some lie less. These are not all major lies, either. Some lies are just husbands trying to avoid a fight when their wives ask them, “Do you like this dress?” or “Does this outfit make me look fat?” I have learned over the years not to answer these questions because I don’t want to lie. When asked a difficult question, I deflect by saying something like, “Hey, is that a $100 bill over there on the ground?” Lying is not only sinful, lying is also hurtful—no one likes to be lied to. Lying is first formally condemned in the Ten Commandments. Jesus much later teaches to let our yes be yes and our no be no. Jesus also said in John 8:44 that liars are children of the Father of lies, the devil. Finally, John states in Revelation 21:27 that no liars will be permitted into heaven. If we all lie every day, how then will any of us make it into heaven? Only by the grace of God through Jesus Christ Our Lord. There is no other way!
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