Hello, this is pastor gary from first baptist church of laplata. People like stories about faithful dogs. Did you hear about the dog in Turkey who followed his owner’s ambulance to the hospital? The owner experienced a medical emergency, and an ambulance was summoned into which the owner was loaded and taken to the hospital. The owner’s dog followed the ambulance to the hospital and waited outside. I always thought ambulance chasers were corrupt lawyers–but not this one. The dog was taken back home but returned to the hospital every day looking and waiting for her owner. The dog never tried to get inside the hospital but just faithfully, patiently, expectantly waited outside. After being hospitalized for a week, the owner was brought outside in a wheelchair, so he and his dog could visit. Unlike most dog owners today, the Bible takes a low view of dogs overall. Dogs were considered unclean, scavenging menaces. The Jews referred to Gentiles as “dogs” as a term of derision. Even Jesus implied that Gentiles were dogs when He stated to a Gentile woman in Mark 7:26, “It is not meet to take the children’s bread and cast it to dogs.” Regardless, the faithfulness of this dog in Turkey is impressive and touching. Faithfulness is also to characterize the Christian—even though it doesn’t always; Thank God that He is always faithful. One of my favorite passages is Ecclesiastes 3:22-23 which states, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed because His compassions fail not; They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness.”
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